Hello! I'm Amanda, and I'm new here. I've always thought about starting a blog, but never did because I thought "well, no one will read anything I post - I'm not interesting enough!" But, here I am anyway, and it'll be fun, even if I'm the only one who ever reads my words.
I'm also relatively new to being a mom - my little girl is 9 months old now, so my husband and I have learned a lot, but it also seems like something new pops up every few days. Then I'm googling symptoms and asking my mom "is this normal?" and debating on whether to call the pediatrician, only for my husband to say "hey, she's fine, relax..." And he's right, she's fine.
I want this blog to be a place for me to share things we have learned, but also where other moms can share experiences. Hopefully I can help some other new moms feel more comfortable by knowing we've shared some of the same situations. I know there are also plenty of veteran moms out there with great advice.
But most importantly, I want this to be a place where we can encourage each other to be godly mothers who raise their children up in the Lord and who teach them how to worship Him with all their being. I love the song Great Are You Lord which simply says "It's Your breath in our lungs, so we pour out our praise to You only."
Moms, join me in today's crazy society in an effort to be set apart from the world and raise our kids to know Jesus!
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